cryptogolfimpacthowtoearn| The main contract of the Container Shipping Index futures rose 6.97% on the 18th, closing at 2,433.0 points, and the trading volume exceeded 30,000 lots

18 04月

Newsletter summary

The main contract of Container Index futures rose significantly on April 18, closing at 2433.Cryptogolfimpacthowtoearn.0 points, up 158.5 points, or 6.97 percent, over the previous trading day. The turnover reached 36516.0 lots, a new high. The market is optimistic about the future of the container transportation industry, and it is expected that the global economic recovery will promote the development of the industry. Analysts warn that there are risks in the futures market and investors need to be cautious and pay attention to industry developments.

Text of news flash

[the main contract of Container Index futures rose 6.97% on the 18th, with the trading volume exceeding 30,000 lots.] on April 18, the main contract of Container Index Futures performed strongly in the secondary market, closing up 6.97%. According to data from the APP Market Center of the financial investment website, the highest price of the contract reached 2436.0 and the lowest price was 2297.7 during the day's trading. The closing price was 2433.0, up 158.5 points from the previous trading day. In the day's trading, the trading volume of the contract reached 36516.0 lots, an increase over the previous trading day. The opening price was 2319.9, slightly lower than yesterday's closing price of 2337.1. This strong performance shows the market's confidence in the contract. Market analysts believe that the surge may be related to the market's optimistic expectations for the collection and transportation industry. In the context of the current global economic recovery, the development prospect of the collection and transportation industry is promising, and the price rise of related futures contracts also reflectsCryptogolfimpacthowtoearnTo this point. It should be noted that there are certain risks in the futures market, and investors should be cautious and do a good job in risk management when participating in trading. At the same time, investors should also pay close attention to the industry dynamics and related policies in order to make more rational investment decisions. Hexun self-selected Stock Writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.

cryptogolfimpacthowtoearn| The main contract of the Container Shipping Index futures rose 6.97% on the 18th, closing at 2,433.0 points, and the trading volume exceeded 30,000 lots

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