hypernovamegaways| Dalio's famous trading strategy failed, as institutional investors such as pension funds withdraw funds

23 04月

Gronghui April 22: Dalio and other hedge funds in Qiaoshui said to investors, "give us your money to take care of, and we will put it into a strategic product that will make a steady profit in the long run." Now, with dismal five-year returns, many investors who put money into risk parity funds are demanding divestment. As investors such as New Mexico, Oregon and Ohio public pension funds redeem, the size of risk parity funds has fallen from its peak three years ago.HypernovamegawaysIt's about 70 billion dollars. To many of them, the so-called "more time" request sounds feeble. Verus Investments is a consultant on about $17 billion in public employee pensions in New Mexico. In December, the pension fund cut its investment in risk parity funds. Eileen Neill, managing director of Verus Investments, said, "the long-term returns have been disappointing, and the only successful performance of risk parity funds was during the global financial crisis. That was their heyday. Risk parity funds ushered in the spring after the 2008 financial crisis, as investors struggled to find a way to protect themselves in the next market crash. But as money returned to the stock market, risk parity funds began to lag behind, especially when safe-haven assets such as US Treasuries were hit hard in 2022.

hypernovamegaways| Dalio's famous trading strategy failed, as institutional investors such as pension funds withdraw funds

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